The original site for this Crystal Clear Studios was hosted in South Africa. With the move of her business to New Zealand Amanda wanted to ensure support was provided locally. Interesting when the site was migrated to our servers, we noticed an issue - and asked if Amanda had ever reached emails through the contact form on the site. Not one in three years - the reason incorrect email address in the contact form. It was then noticed that that old articles and the email address referred to another business very similar to Amanda's, it appears the site was originally setup for some one in a similar type of business with a slightly varied template. But critical important aspects of the site were not changed or correctly tested.

With any new site - test the contact forms and email addresses on the site!!

Joomla Security Risk?

If your current Joomla install is version 2.5.x or 1.5.x or below - it is out of date and it's security is at risk - YOU SHOULD NOT use it as part of your business tools.

If you have a series 3.X version of Joomla running your site, you must ensure it is updated to Joomla 3.10.12 at a minimum as lower levels of Joomla 3.X have security risks.

Current version of Joomla 3.10.12 or 4.3.4

3.10.12 - being a stepping stone to Joomla series 4.
Joomla 3.X will be supported until September 2023.

Joomla 4 is recommended for new sites where posssible.

Contact Us about upgrading.

Google it

Want to add any of the following google services to your Joomla Site?

Google Adwords
Google Analytics
Google Search console
Google URL submission
Google Recapctha

Contact Us as we can help.


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