NZJoomla provided training on the Joomla CMS so that NZ College of Chiropractic could take better control of content on their web site.
NZ College of Chiropractic required the ablity to sell a one of product(event Tickets) and accept credit card payments. So we implemented a solution whereby orders could be placed on line and pay for by creditcard without having to build and implement a full on line shop.
The Presentation Boxes Company required a web site to promote their new product range of custom designed promotional boxes. So a site was designed which show cased their product features and options. Their presentation boxes are branded and used by corporate clients, Agencies and tender document providers to promote their services and products. Each box is hand crafted from a uniquie design.
Ashram Yoga web site had issues with their Joomla website. NZ Joomla was able to resolve these installation (including upgrading Joomla) issues that allowed Ashram Yoga to continue with content management of their own site.
The Naim Audio sites for both New Zealand and Australia were upgraded from Joomla 1.5 to the latest version of Joomla, both sites had previosuly been hacked due to out dated third party add on.
The templates were upgraded and additional features were added to the site:
- Slide show added
- Mailchimp intergration for newsletters
- Improved security
- SEO was improved
- Image gallaries added
- Site optimised for mobile viewing
United Products had issues with support on their site, so site was transferred to NZJoomla. Where it was upgraded to the latest version of Joomla. A number of enhancements were added to the site to assist with presentation of their products and improve SEO and communication with their site visitors.
United Products use Mijoshop as their ecommerce solution for presenting products and taking orders.